2019 is history and so is the first edition of our Anti-Social Awards. Now that the new season is rolling, we’re excited to spend less time playing on our phones, and more time playing in the mountains. But before we get back to work on the photos and stories that will be the centerpiece of our 2020 magazines, we’re happy to share a few things that we found interesting about Swiss Snowboarding in December 2019.
The Girl Power Award
Our small, landlocked country isn’t always able to produce enough quality backside airs to meet the ever increasing demand. So we’re planning on introducing a referendum proposing to permanently import Maca in order to help maintain our status as the most tweaked nation in Europe.

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The Powder Envy Award
Stop blaming the tourists for riding all of your powder. Just follow Fred Couderc, he knows where to go…

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The Art Crush Award
Five photographers, five zines, 330 pages in total. Each of the five books contains an essay about snowboarding. This is Club Sandwich, Matt Georges and Perly’s new print project. Better get yourself one of those beautiful boxes before they’re all gone.

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The WTF Award
How do you think Gian Sutter spent his summer?
A) Pumping iron at the gym.B)
Flipping on the trampoline.C) Skating.
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The Not Snowboarding Award
Bad Santa! Time to send your fat ass back to the North Pole.
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The Method of the Month Award
Remember Jonas? He got a checkout in Whiteout 47. Well he’s 13 and already has more style than you.

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The Surf Crush Award
Emilien Badoux knew how to warm up for the season with some pretty nice waves in El Salvador. What’s better than that? Having a wife who loves to surf just as much as you.

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The Best Bail Award
Wait… what the fuck was Boris even trying to do here?

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The Gram of the Month
Ahhh.. now we get it. Park-hacks are the new side-hits in 2020.

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That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for distracting us with all of those brilliant cat videos and insightful memes while we were stuck in the office these past few months. Come find us at the Laax Open from January 13th!
And thanks once again to Pierre Clivaz for the illustrations. You can find more of his work here.