In Whiteout 42 we gave Kesti an open mic to talk about his passion for wide snowboards. In short, he’s stoked on more float, less slams and avoiding toe and heel drags. It turns out he had a lot more to say, so we gave him carte blanche to share his thoughts on shapes and […]
FeaturedCategory: Featured
A Pretty Average Interview about Pretty Average Snowboarding
As you know, we’re all about local snowboarding here at Whiteout, so when we started to hear rumors of a project from one of our favorite crews, we were naturally curious. The Black Dolphins have got their priorities straight, representing good looking snowboarding that doesn’t take itself too seriously. They were nice enough to let us […]
FeaturedGrowing PÄNG! The birth of a local board brand.
On a fall evening in 2015 I had some beers with Roy Brönnimann. We were talking about plans for the upcoming season. When Roy told me about the idea to produce some pow boards my first thoughts were: Really? Aren’t there already enough players in this small niche? Well, if you have a degree in […]
FeaturedA Rad Inteview In Anticipation of Circum Volution
Rad Movie Productions has been keeping the spirit alive in Upper Wallis for quite a few years now. We caught up with Mr. Rad himself, the one and only Valentin Zimmermann on the eve of their premiere to find out more about what they have in store for us this year. Hey Valentin… Stoked to […]
FeaturedHoney Ryder A Book by Silvano Zeiter
Think you know Nicolas Müller? Think again. While Fruition follows a script and delivers a message, Silvano Zeiter’s images wander behind the scenes into some unexpected places. They capture the moment’s between the highs and lows of the extraordinary life of one of the most important snowboarders to have ever lived. Gritty and raw, they […]
FeaturedMat Schaer The AfterForever Interview
After watching Mat’s video part in Absinthe Films‘ AfterForever, we decided to do a little interview, which turned into a long interview. Mat’s had some big changes in his life recently and it turned out that he has a lot to say. If you’re not a big fan of words, then scroll down for lots of pretty pictures […]
FeaturedInside The Swiss Knife with Fredi Kalbermatten
How is it possible that a legend like Fredi K never had a pro model till he got on Lib Tech? Seriously, someone must’ve been sleeping. Fredi can ride it all — from pow to pipe, as well as heavy lines and bulletproof ice. After over a decade of amazing video parts he’s got nothing […]
FeaturedMindset goes North by Arda Serce
They say that planning takes the fun out of traveling and that spontaneous adventures make better memories. Not for us, we thought, not for us… We wanted to spend a few weeks with eight people in a foreign country with the pressure to be productive. That’s why we planned quite a lot. Extensive spot maps […]
FeaturedDizin. Ski. Good. ایران†دیزین
Wenn man Freunden und Bekannten davon erzählt, zum Freeriden in den Iran zu reisen, gibt es meist drei verschiedene Arten von Reaktionen: “Im Iran? Da gibt’s doch gar keinen Schnee!”, “In den Iran? Du hast doch nen Vogel, in so ein Krisengebiet?” und “Iran? Wahnsinn, ich will dort auch hin, muss wunderschön sein!” Zu allen drei Meinungen hatten […]
FeaturedKeeping it Simple On Simplon Pass
Until recently, I’ve never had much appreciation for Napoleon’s ambitious conquests nearly 200 years ago. As it turns out, we have France’s most viscous midget to thank for blazing the trail to one of Europe’s best spots for free snowboarding. I’m referring to the Simplon Pass, which now serves as a major trade route, linking […]