COVID OPEN 2 Pipe Highlights + A Mini-Interview

Following up on yesterday’s promise, here are our favorite pipe related moments from this year’s Laax Open. Check out the highlights and then keep scrolling to get to know the photographer a bit better… Hey Andri, can you please introduce yourself for anyone who doesn’t know you? I’m from Winterthur and I’ve been into snowboarding […]


3SCAPE Full Movie + Interview

Last spring we started seeing photos from the Escape crew and knew right away that their movie was going to be packed full of hammers. Watch it here and then read on for a little interview with filmer / editor / babysitter, Lou Staub. Hey Lou, I just finished watching 3scape 3x and I’ve gotta […]


JOURNAL Full Movie + Interview

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of Lionel Moerch’s filming and editing. With his latest project, he does a great job capturing the vibe of his crew. Watch it and then read on for a little interview with Lionel and his partner in crime, Maveric Rial. Hey boys, we’re stoked on what you’ve done […]


Feeding the Addiction in Zermatt

It sounds cliché, but snowboarding is like a drug for me. Man, did I suffer when I got cut off due to the sudden end of of 19/20 season. A few solo split-board missions helped me get through March and April. Crans-Montana offered a short ten day fix for us in June. And finally, Zermatt […]


Behind the Photo with Reto Kestenholz

In this time of shortened seasons and social distancing, it’s good to celebrate life’s small victories. Reto Kestenholz told us that he’d been dreaming of shooting a wall ride on a frozen waterfall for years, so we thought we’d hit him up for a little interview and find out the story behind this unique photo… […]
