Fredi Kalbermatten, Gray Thompson and Silvano Zeiter decided to chase some fresh Swiss Made powder last year. So, they jumped on the Glacier Express, allowing them to visit some of the finest spots around our beautiful country. They made a full movie about their all adventure, you can now check it in this post. And […]
FeaturedCategory: Featured
Escaping Again The Escape Movie II
Sit back, relax and enjoy… The Escape Video Crew is back with their second full length movie, now available online for free! Check the video below and be sure to scroll down for a big gallery full of bangers and good vibes from our favorite Swiss Am Crew. And if that’s not enough, then go […]
FeaturedGetting Layered with Matt Georges
Matt Georges is one of the best snowboard photographers of all time. He was the photo editor of Method in the golden years of that mag and then got a dream job as a senior photographer for Onboard and Whitelines. He was at the top of the game until his publisher lost faith in print […]
FeaturedLoose Boardin’ With Grant Giller
We’ve all heard crazy stories about pirates, sailing the oceans and robbing passing ships. But have you ever heard about Grant Giller? He is a modern pirate, traveling the world to steal all the best snowboard spots. During his travels he stayed quite some time in Switzerland and even made a whole video part out […]
FeaturedFamiliar Faces in Saas-Fee
Fall is always a crucial moment for your favorite pros. It’s that special time of year when they need to get ready to start chasing those all important FIS points! And the best way to feel good on your board is dust off the cobwebs and start hucking triples. Alright, so now that you’ve finished […]
FeaturedMultiple Talents with Menduri Stecher
I first met Menduri in December 2016, while shooting in the park in Davos with Elio Fumagalli. It turned into a good session and I am still very happy with some of the shots that I got that day. As I later found out, Menduri is not only an excellent rider, but also a talented […]
FeaturedWarming up the Glacier with RAD & Elena Koenz
According to some rumors, our beloved glaciers are melting these days. Since a guy with a red hat says it’s a hoax, Kuno Egli was sent on a mission to make sure that it’s not all fake news. So he went up to Zermatt for a little Snowpark check. Apparently, a few rippers from the Upper Wallis brought the heat, cruising […]
FeaturedA Chasa with Elena Koenz
After two trips to the Olympics, and plenty of success in competitions around the globe, you could consider Elena Koenz a seasoned veteran. But don’t expect her to start talking about retirement anytime soon. As she moves away from competition, towards more creative adventures, she’s enjoying life as a rookie all over again. Check out her first […]
FeaturedHigher Learning Mat Schaer X CREA at 3600m
It’s no secret that Mat Schaer has goals that go far beyond his yearly video parts. Now that he’s finishing up his masters degree, he’s jumping into a bunch of new projects, including a new film and some seminars with local university students from his home town. Check out a few moments on the summit of the […]
FeaturedPark Gamblers Western Switzerland's Local Park Tour
You never know what you’ll get when you show up at your local park. Sometimes it’s perfect, sometimes it’s icy. What matters most is the good vibe that you bring with you. Our favorite filmer babe, Elisa Chavaillaz went on a little road trip to visit her local parks in western Switzerland. Here’s what she found… […]