We’ve pretty much seen it all, here at the Laax Power Open. There’s been rain, wind, fog, lots of fresh snow and even passing moments of beautiful light. Here are some highlights from those deep, deep days that the TV crews didn’t cover. If you missed part one of our Powder Open gallery, be sure to check […]
FeaturedCategory: Featured
The Powder Open Alternative Activities in Snowy Laax
Seems like we get a fresh dump every time we’re in Laax for the Open. That always means more shoveling for the shapers, but for the rest of us, it’s party time. A hangover and a pow turn won’t earn you a spot on the Olympic team, but it might just get you laid. ▼ […]
FeaturedBetter than Drugs A Splitboard trip in French Alps
Meet Elisa, our fresh new 21 year old multimedia talent who’s finishing off her studies at Eikon in Fribourg. She’s a skilled designer and editor, and pretty damn handy with a camera, so we’re happy to get her in the mix this season. This is her story from her first day on the job… _ Last […]
FeaturedThe Wild South pt. 2 Ups and downs in Argentine Patagonia
If you missed part one of Léa Klaue‘s South American adventure, be sure to check it here. In part two, Léa continues her story, as she and Ana Salvador cross the eastern border… After finally drying out from all the wet snow that we’d found in Chile, we set our sights on Argentina. San Martin de los Andes was the […]
FeaturedA love like mine… ...is hard to find. Full Movie and BTS Gallery.
Our favorite Swiss German AM crew has finally dropped their latest movie, and with it comes the news that another chapter has come to a close… What started as Shaba Productions over a decade ago will continue in a new form, known as Escape. Lots of the important players are still involved, and we hear […]
FeaturedStreet Stories Kuno and Mühli in Grindelwald
Switzerland isn’t exactly known for it’s street spots, but there’s plenty to do when it snows down low if you’ve got full batteries, and a good eye for spots. We already knew that Kuno Egli and Florian «Mühli» Mühlemann have plenty of creativity, but we were still impressed by the number of shots that they stacked in Grindelwald […]
FeaturedThe Wild South pt. 1 Chilean Powder
Meet our new favorite female freerider: Léa Klaue. She spent a lot of her summer riding in South America and sent us so many good photos and stories from her adventures that we decided to give her a three part series. So pour yourself a pisco* sour and enjoy part one… After a lousy winter […]
FeaturedI Am Pro snow with Sina Candrian
Winter is knocking on the door, bringing fresh snow, the early opening of some resorts and the kickoff of the I AM PRO campaign. The program helps ski resorts to convert to 100% renewable electricity and encourages winter sports enthusiasts with concrete climate protection actions. Sina Candrian has been an ambassador for I AM PRO […]
FeaturedOff The Books The Online Premiere and Interview with Mat Schaer
It’s been a while since we helped to produce a snowboard clip, but when we heard that Mat Schaer didn’t have a video project, we knew we had to get involved. The result of his six days of shooting can be seen below. Read on to hear more about what Mat was up to when […]
FeaturedMeet Marco Jörger Thunder Monkeys and More...
These days, everyone makes movies. Give your mom a GoPro and you can be sure that she’ll be dropping your “full part” by the end of the season. Expensive gear isn’t the most important part, but there’s still a big difference between a kid playing around with iMovie and cinematographer. Over the past few years, we’ve seen Marco […]