What a week in Laax! So much of our community came together to ride pow, party and watch some of the world’s best do their thing in Europe’s biggest snow park. Check out a gallery of some of the most beautiful moments, skillfully captured by the one and only Sam Oetiker. Click the arrows at the […]
HappeningsCategory: Happenings
ESCAPE Video: The Premiere A gallery of the big night of Switzerland’s finest AM crew.
Fall is here, days get shorter, temperatures are getting colder and premiere season is on. ESCAPE’s debut took place at the Wunderbar in Zurich a few days ago and the two teasers looked very promising, so we sent Kuno Egli to Zurich to take some pictures of the event. Seeing a snowboard video for the […]
HappeningsThe ESCAPE Video A back country kicker session in Laax
With the premiere of ESCAPE’s first offering getting closer and closer, Kuno Egli decided to leak some of the behind the scenes shots from one of the many sessions that went down for this movie. Mark your agendas: Friday, 28 September, Wunderbar, Zürich will be the place to be! And scroll on to hear about […]
HappeningsVolcom Banked Slalom Banking in Kitzsteinhorn
We closed out our winter season with the 5th annual Volcom Banked Slalom and Castle Rockout in Kaprun/Kitzsteinhorn. Yet another epic ender with lots of friendly freaks, great weather, fun banking and a legendary party at castle. Volcom team rider Olivier Gittler opened the night with his band, Leopard Ale, followed by a mind blowing […]
HappeningsMelchsee Frutt Banked Slalom Banking season starts here...
One thing we like about Banked Slaloms is that they’re accessible to riders of every level. It’s also a great excuse to bring together multiple generations for good times and hard turns on the mountain. Since Melchsee Frutt is hosting its annual Banked Slalom this coming weekend (Jan 28th), we caught up with Fruttpark shaper Lukas Spichtig […]
HappeningsSurfing St. Gallen Laax's infamous crew actually organized a contest.
Olma: this venue is associated with hangovers for many people in the region, due to the famous fair in fall. But thanks to the Laax Surf Club, the Olma venue can be associated with a great rail contest from now on. Mojo, Linus and Yannick, the members of the infamous Laax Surf Club (LSC), had […]
HappeningsBack in Business Zermatt's park was the last to close and the first to open.
Ahhh, it’s good to be back in Zermatt, enjoying the advantages of summer shredding. Since slush is more forgiving, it’s the perfect time of year to dial in some new tricks. On top of that, you’ve got to appreciate those days when a jacket, and even gloves become optional. With enough practice, you might even […]
HappeningsBanking at Kitzsteinhorn by Pascal Imhof
More than 200 riders of all ages showed up in Kaprun/Kitzsteinhorn for the 4th Volcom Banked Slalom and enjoyed some of the best powder conditions of the winter. Our Swiss crew with Reto Neiger, Levi Luggen, Fraser Deck, Ivo Gmür and myself was joined by Lichtenstein’s Philippe Nissl and Tito Huber. We enjoyed heavy snowfalls on […]
HappeningsBanking in Laax 2017 Edition
This past weekend, Nico and Terje hosted the 3rd annual Sudden Rush Banked Slalom. It was once again a fresh gathering of great folks who just wanted to go fast and have a good time. Very much like the previous year, the weather had other plans. High winds forced the lifts to close and heavy […]
HappeningsVans Hi-Standard Hi-Times in Grindelwald
Vans has been putting on their Hi-Standard series for a few years now, so we were stoked to hear that they were finally coming to Switzerland. With the recent hiring of Gian Simmen and a new generation of talent coming up, Grindelwald was an obvious choice for an event where style is everything. Hi-Standard pretty much […]