Fall is always a crucial moment for your favorite pros. It’s that special time of year when they need to get ready to start chasing those all important FIS points! And the best way to feel good on your board is dust off the cobwebs and start hucking triples. Alright, so now that you’ve finished a six pack of that sweet, sweet sugar water… where the hell are you gonna find some snow this time of the year? Well there’s only one destination for perfect cheese wedges and an amazing dude tube in the middle of October – let’s go to Saas-Fee!

Welcome to Saas-Fee! © Phil Bucher
New job with the paparazzi? In desperate need of a selfie with Mark McMorris? Looking to make some bank by up-cycling a Stale Sandbech autographed t-shirt on Ebay? Oh yeah, it’s Saas-Fee time!

As seen on TV... © Phil Bucher
The yearly Stomping Grounds sessions run from October 4 – 27th. Once there, you’ll see some of the finest pros popping corks like it’s New Years eve. Seriously, it’s like watching the X-Games up there. The only difference is that there’s no Mega-Mo.

Time for some action! © Phil Bucher
Thanks to Phil Bucher for being our favorite paparazzi!
See more of his work on his website, or on his instagram!