The Laax Open has been quite a show so far. Check out some impressions from our main man on the scene, Raphael Erhart.
Can you really have a pipe comp without one of Hitsch's methods?
It's niiiiice... yo.
Danny Davis didn't make the finals, but he did make Laax a more beautiful place.
David Habluetzel has been killing it so far.
Danny Davis' switch methods are easily one of the coolest things about the USA.
Joel Staub didn't make the finals, but he came damn close.
Dario Burch was the only Swiss guy to make it to Saturday's slopestyle finals.
Stale Sandbech didn't make the finals... WTF?
David Habluetzel on top of the world.
David Habluetzel is seriously on a mission this week!
All photos © Raphael Erhart ... click to see them bigger.