One of our favorite Cartel Boyz just dropped his full part so we thought it would be a good time to catch up with the one and only Mr. Backflip.
Hey Lou, congrats on your part! You had sick stuff in Livin La Vida Loca, but with all of your park shots in there it’s actually pretty heavy. I guess you were happy with your season?
Thanks! Yes for sure, last season was by far my best season. It was the first season i didn’t focus on big contests and learning new tricks in the park. I moved to Laax and just went Snowboarding every day.
Was there one day that really sticks out to you? Like a day you’ll never forget?
Haha yes, my part is filled with shots from 2 Seasons, so the story was in Winter 2013/14. Me and the gang from the Sport School in Engelberg were in Livigno. It was a very mellow day and we were just cruising’ and doing stupid Pizza Challenges (coach gives a challenge and if you stomp it you get a free pizza).
There was a Jump which was really poppy, but small. I was so scared of this jump to do spins, so I only flipped it. Started out with a backflip and then some laid out double backflips. On the chairlift my coach says as a joke, “3 Pizzas for a Triple Backflip!” (1 Pizza for each flip). I said, hmm why not, at this time Triples were the maximum and everybody got freaked out when somebody did one (both positive and negative). So I did it and stomped it after 3 tries. Everybody freaked out and we laughed so much because it looks sooo gay how I did it, but crazy too, so I put it in my part because its just part of me doing crazy stunts haha.

So do we need to change your nickname to Mr. Triplebackflip? Somehow Mr. Backflip seems like a bit of an understatement now.
It’s a question I’ve already had to answer like 100 times. Its not about doing one triple backflip to be Mr. Triplebackflip, you have to live the triplebackflip lifestyle. Im just living the Backflip lifestyle, backfliping every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the snowboard, on the dance floor, at the Gym or in the local shisha bar. I flip whenever I can.
Haha… But there’s a lot more to your part than just just flips. You’ve got a ton of creative stuff in there. Where do all of your ideas for strange tricks come from?
I just don’t want to ride stuff like everybody else. I want to try do things differently, so its way more fun to watch. Most of the time it’s like the triple. We’re starting joking about a trick, and than just say, “Why not try, it’s going to be a funny shot.”

Swallow tales are good for more than just pow turns. © Daniel Loosli
Actually, I think my favorite was that swallow tail beer opener… haha.
What’s your favorite video part that you’ve seen so far this season?
This season was crazy. Everybody killed it. But I really like the way the Deja Vu and the Videograss crew film, not 4K and super steady shots, more like skate style. So those movies were my favorites.
Layne Treeter in Videogracias inspired me this year for sure!

How about your all time favorite snowboard movie?
DC MTN Lab 1.5 . Back in the dayz i watched it every day, especially the part where they doing “psycho cross”. This movie really inspired me.
Are you gonna go for the quad this winter?
Me and Dani thought about this idea right after my triple backflip, because I did it on such a small jump. We wanted to go to build a Huge BC jump and just flip as much as I can and maybe do the first ever quad. I would get soooo much hate for doing this, but fuck it… haha. Unfortunately there was never enough powder or the right spot. And if there was we preferred to to some “real” tricks. And now Billy already did it so the Quad magic is over.
This idea was inspired by this dude:
Haha… WTF. Sounds like a good way to end up in the hospital. Speaking of… what’s the story with your injury? That must have been pretty close to the end of the season, right?
It was on the really last day of the season at Laax, closing day. Nothing special just a 540° on a small jump, landed it but my knee did some weird sound in the landing.
Better than on the opening day, right?
True, but are you back at 100% now? Or still doing some rehab?
At the moment I’m just cruisin, no jumps or rails. But I bougt two new cameras so I’ve been spending most of my time testing these two in the park with the guys here in Laax. I’m working right now on an Edit all filmed with an old mini DV camcorder.

Sick! Old school style…. What’s your plan for the rest of this season?
Just shred everyday. Im going to film for the new Cartelboyz movie and also with the guys from Mindset Prod. Hopefully get some nice shots by the end of the season.
Cartel Boyz is one of the only projects around that mixes skiing an snowboarding. Do you think we need more of that?
I think if bigger Snowboard movie productions like Absinthe would start to film with skiers it would be very strange. Because they’re doing “serious” movies. Not like us, we’re just having fun, for sure we also take it serious but we’re more just like friends filming together.
But it’s just matter of time before Movie crews start doing mixed movies.
Mr. Haakonflip in Laax. © Daniel Loosli
Should we start making a TWhiteout mag to bring the two communities together more? Or should we keep Whiteout and TWIN separate?
No for sure not haha. I like it that snowboardig and Skiing is not together in one mag. If I’m interested in reading something about skiing I’ll take a Freeski mag, but not everybody accepts this, so it would make problems.
But it should have more cooperation together, like the shot of Mike Knobel and Dario Burch Frontboarding Daniel Loosli in the new Whiteout, I love this shot!!
Haha… that’s a special one for sure! But I think there are only a handful of dudes in this world who would be down for a shot like that. And that’s a good thing!
Anyway, thanks for your time! Anything else you’d like to add before we wrap this up?
Keep fresh and funky, don’t take it too seriously… and be sure to Live Your Vida Loco!
I want to thank everyone who is supporting me in any aspect!
Cartelboy for Life