I can’t even begin to describe the immense importance that Reto Kestenholz has had for our community over the past three decades. As a snowboarder, he’s been a leader on style and progression. And as a human, he’s been an inspiration with his boundless motivation and dedication to making Swiss snowboarding, and our world, a better place. The news that he was taking a step back from pro snowboarding caught me by surprise, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on his amazing career…
Let’s put it like this… I probably won’t spend more of my time shooting and hustling. Decent days in the backcountry tend to get even more rare, while there’s a growing group of hungry freeriders waiting for freshies. A rising average freezing level makes it harder to work in easily accessible areas, and I’m pretty much done with time-consuming missions. Another thing is, that I’m absolutely committed to keeping my carbon emissions low, to the point where I also feel responsible for photographers traveling to shoot with me.

Oh, that was kinda a fluent process. I got my first free board when I was 15… so almost 30 years ago. Around the turn of the millennium I started to work as a shaper in a summer camp and also got a little money from sponsors. That was just enough to make it easy to reject any “serious” job opportunities. The philosophy became: ride to live, live to ride… and I was happy with a very modest lifestyle in exchange for this privilege.

There were some parts that I didn’t enjoy so much. For ecological reasons I wasn’t really into traveling. And when it came to contests, all that waiting for just a few short moments of actual “performing” sucked. But I really liked the whole creative part of shooting and never felt too tired to hike for one more try if the shot didn’t look the way it should – either for my personal standards, or for the vision of whomever was behind the cam.
So basically after quitting bigger competitions, I really loved to do what I got paid for…. if the material that I promoted was good enough… but that’s a different story.

He was such an important inspiration and opened many doors for me. He introduced me to people in the scene and we even had a few shootings together. I learned a lot from him and have big respect for his achievements. I’ll always be grateful for all that he did for me, CHEERS UELI!
Finally I took my own path and was super lucky to have found a local crew in the Berner Oberland. We spend some of the best winters that I can remember filming. A BIG SHOUT-OUT TO EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE DEDICATED PROJECT MOVIES!
As mentioned, the Dedicated years were probably both the most intense and the most fun, at the same time. It started with the first snowparks at Meiringen-Hasliberg. There was a big progression and great vibe with the crew around (cinematographer) Davide Tiraboschi.
I simply couldn’t ever decide! Big Method over the pipe dragon in Zermatt? Concret dam drop on Grimsel? Or the “loop-flip”? Hangtime above the lake of Thun? And there are nearly countless huge powder sprays or spring sessions on a big fish board…. there are just so many great memories.
But if you’d like to show some of my latest favorites, I’d probably pick the natural front 3 melon that has been my desktop wallpaper for a long time. The lip is just massive and magical. Everything below so pure and clean. It’s shot in one of my favorite zones, with so many options. Looking at it now, I’d love to be there and live this very moment again right away.

High-Fly Gstaad was consistently legendary over several editions.
The DREAM 178 xxw – custom shape available at LTB Snowboards – best freaking thing ever for deepest pow.
Also there, hard to name just one – let’s make it three from different “generations”: Lukas Blaser, Reto Neiger & Marc Schärer ❤️

You can tell everyone, that you “must” go riding – almost no excuse to miss a big day!
The risk of injuries when you feel like you’re getting pushed too far… or simply want it too badly.
It didn’t get any easier. I’m happy to be finished with it. I wouldn’t wanna swap positions with younger riders today. I think they’ve got more pressure, less pow days, and just basically need to be more professional, I guess. The focus on social media these days is a whole new hustle.

No. Quitting RIDE was actually my decision because they stopped producing my favorite shapes. But I’m still connected to the brand and super thankful to be riding and representing their bindings and boots. I’m still stoked on the products, I just needed wider boards.

Being a pro rider, I didn’t feel like acting as an activist. Being part of political manifestations, civil disobedience protests or standing in front of a slaughterhouse at 5 am, that’s different. I’m not sure, what helps more in the end. I think that people should just read and talk more together. We could and should speak out about all the severe challenges that humans are facing these days.
There’s still plenty of room for leisure and pleasure, which is essential for me. Find a good balance, not only on boards, but in general. Don’t leave shit to future generations while having fun. There are more responsible ways to live and love a good life.

What does that look like these days? Do you consider yourself more of a punk, or more of a politician these days?
It’s awesome to have the opportunity to walk into a parliament with a tattooed tie on the chest, inked fingers and a self-made haircut. Just being there is already a statement. I can still get some of my food from the dumpster one night, and the next day, talk to rich guys seriously at a big table with white clothes – eating fine food with ’em. I’m gonna leave it up to the reader if that’s punk or not. Anyway, I’m still better at partying than making big speeches. Sometimes I’d love to have my skills the other way around.

What message would you like to pass on to the next generation of snowboarders coming up?
Enjoy every single minute up there! I’m sorry for not leaving this world in a better place for you. At least I’ve tried and on those issues I will keep on going. Take care to yourself, but also recognize some privileges that you’ve got. Going “all-in” might not always be the safest strategy. Humans shouldn’t stand above others. Respect and protect non-human animals, think about and act against any kinds of oppression and discrimination. Keep up peaceful coexistence and work for it when it isn’t the standard. Competition and rivalry don’t satisfy sustainably, so chill more and be appreciative for what you’ve got!

What do you imagine your snowboarding will be like when it’s not a job?
You’ll still find me up there, if you get started early enough. And I’ve got still one shot in my head that I’ve love to see in the books. A simple turn, that I’ll surf anyway, with or without anyone shooting me. Maybe one day the light and conditions will be right. But I still have time for that as long as I can ride. If it’s not gonna happen, who cares. I’m feeling more relaxed than ever and will try to cherish every additional line more than the one before.
I’m done with one side of the biz, but I’m still around. I just designed a new board for LTB – pretty exclusive stuff. I’ll be riding with buddies, the kids, or just by myself with heavy pounding stoner-doom sounds in my earphones – that’s what I really love and will appreciate as long as possible.

It’s been almost unreal. I wouldn’t believe it actually happened without all of these photos and videos. More than 30 years of riding sideways, with the photo evidence to prove it – what a lucky bastard I am. CHEERS.