Gregor Betschon and Thomas Landolt have finally finished RVision, their movie about touring through the alps for 5 months in a mobile home named Emma. They’re about to release it through Vimeo on Demand and we’re so stoked to see it! So we thought we’d hit up Gregor with some questions. After all, he’s the rider, filmer, editor and designated driver for this ambitious project…
Hey Gregor, you’ve been pretty busy this summer editing RVision. I guess this is your first major movie, right? How has the process been?
Yes it is. Super excited about it. The process has been pretty exhausting. Still doing some little things right now, like deciding which font to use…
But all in all it’s a big learning curve and a cool experience.

How much footage did you end up with after a whole season on the road?
It’s something like 10’000 clips. Also with at the filming process we learned a lot throughout the season.
What’s the story with the original soundtrack? How do you know those musicians and how has it been working with them?
It was my dream to do something new in snowboarding films. I’ve watched so many films and in a lot of them I just hear the same music I usually have on my iPod or stuff I already know. So I thought having young musicians expressing their feeling when they watch the movie would make a huge difference. And it does.
We know Jan Jossi (Drums) pretty well and he’s studying music in Zürich and knew the other two, Andreas Achermann (Keys) and Marcel Frautschi (Bass). Super cool group and an honor to work with them. And then it was clear, they need to play live at the premiere for that goose bump effect.

From a whole season on the road do you have one day that really sticks out as an amazing day?
Prali, Italy somewhere in March. It snowed heavy for three days and we arrived on the second day of it. 1m 20cm of fresh snow. It was like snorkeling. Not so easy for shooting but really intense riding it. Hiking just wasn’t possible.
The italian hospitality in general is amazing and at this little mountain place it was phenomenal.
I guess you got to discover a number of new resorts. What was your favorite find?
Airolo. There is a super easy sleeping place right next to a cheese diary. And the zones are endless. We discovered new features every day. Super cool spot.
Adi Oesch was a frequent visitor. Here he is, not riding in Airolo. © Ahriel
Any interesting statistics to share?
We drove 8608km with Emma. We ate 107 eggs and 150 snickers. We needed 84kg of propane to heat Emma up and theres a black number of farts. : )
Oh yeah, and we had 10l of flämmli : ) And we need 717l of diesel for the season, that means 25 gas stops. And 10 slash boards between the two of us. And one outfit each.
Also we had two broken windows, a hole in the rooftop, lost our v-belt and had a big hole in our oil tank.
Were there any moments where you missed your old apartment in Laax?
Haha. No way!

Is Emma invited to the premiere?
Not sure. Need to ask her first. She’s an old lady and not so in the mood for long nights. We’ll see.
What’s your plan for this winter?
Haven’t any time to really think about. I guess still ripping somewhere with Emma and maybe another film. We’ll see. Let’s watch RVision first.

Do you think you’ll ever try out Emma’s toilet?
No. It’s too easy outside. Imagine if something goes wrong. Who cleans that mess?
Haha… I guess you’ve never had a baby. You get pretty used to cleaning shit! Thanks for your time Gregor… Stoked to see the movie! Anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks to my partner Thomas Landolt – together we are thogor. He’s doing all the extra work around and providing a lot of mental help!
And thank you Whiteout for supporting us so well through that whole process.